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10/31/2023 7:39 pm  #1581

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

LuvSeason18 wrote:

vmmmomof3girls wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

Vmm........can you tell what costumes they are supposed to be?  OH...........they are "undead"........OH.......she hurt herself at the end????  I missed it........Val had to carry her down the stairs but the dance was over.....Vmm did you see what happened?

I didn't. She is totally downplaying it. Julianna called her Kerri Strug. I hope she's ok.

Me too........I hope that they leave that part on the video that they post on Utube....I would like to see what happened. 

Harry up next......very upset at people's comments about his dancing....hurts him.

I bet people will be analyzing it. Aww. Poor Harry is so down. THey brought Lindsey in to help this week.

"There's good, there's great, and there's Meryl." --Len Goodman


10/31/2023 7:39 pm  #1582

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

LuvSeason18 wrote:

vmmmomof3girls wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

Vmm........can you tell what costumes they are supposed to be?  OH...........they are "undead"........OH.......she hurt herself at the end????  I missed it........Val had to carry her down the stairs but the dance was over.....Vmm did you see what happened?

I didn't. She is totally downplaying it. Julianna called her Kerri Strug. I hope she's ok.

Me too........I hope that they leave that part on the video that they post on Utube....I would like to see what happened. 

Harry up next......very upset at people's comments about his dancing....hurts him.

Poor Harry!  I kinda feel badly for him.

Last edited by JetmamaDiDi (10/31/2023 7:41 pm)

I absolutely love him, and he’s an incredible person. We have this friendship that I have no doubt in my mind is a life-long friendship.  Getting a chance to know him away from training for Dancing With the Stars, I think we've gotten a chance to know each other in a different way, which of course just makes you closer. Meryl
We fell in love, but our way. Maks


10/31/2023 7:40 pm  #1583

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

vmmmomof3girls wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

Vmm........can you tell what costumes they are supposed to be?  OH...........they are "undead"........OH.......she hurt herself at the end????  I missed it........Val had to carry her down the stairs but the dance was over.....Vmm did you see what happened?

I didn't. She is totally downplaying it. Julianna called her Kerri Strug. I hope she's ok.

Oh, dear!  Was the dance good before that?

YES........and she finshed the dance.......I think......before she got hurt.......she is HIGH score SO FAR

Friendship is a priceless gift that can't be bought or sold, its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
May this FriendSHIP always have wind in its sails and a sunrise on the horizon.

10/31/2023 7:40 pm  #1584

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

LuvSeason18 wrote:

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

How did it go with the Posse tonight?  Did you get your project done?

Had another buy busy day, but we got the top of the quilt put together for quilting.  Because of how weird this thing is we can’t quilt the two layers together, so plan to tie the bottom layer to the top.  The reason is that we have 8 shirt blocks out of 35 with pockets on them so we can each write a note and put it in a pocket and some have buttons on them.  We also cut the button plackets off the shirts and made the border for the backing from those.  I am totally DONE cutting and sewing borders on…..PLEASE!!!  That is my least favorite part of quilting, although I used to really struggle with the measuring and all of that.  Now it isn’t a big deal….practice makes it easier!!  So the construction of this one is a little unusual!!  But the 5 of us actually work well together and while I did the sewing, the rest of them cut…so we are on  the home stretch.

WHoo Hoo.......glad you are in the home stretch. THere is a lot of work and love in that quilt. 

We can’t wait to see her and give her the quilt at (maybe) our Christmas dinner get-together.  We will all be bawling our eyes out!!!

I absolutely love him, and he’s an incredible person. We have this friendship that I have no doubt in my mind is a life-long friendship.  Getting a chance to know him away from training for Dancing With the Stars, I think we've gotten a chance to know each other in a different way, which of course just makes you closer. Meryl
We fell in love, but our way. Maks


10/31/2023 7:42 pm  #1585

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

Had another buy busy day, but we got the top of the quilt put together for quilting.  Because of how weird this thing is we can’t quilt the two layers together, so plan to tie the bottom layer to the top.  The reason is that we have 8 shirt blocks out of 35 with pockets on them so we can each write a note and put it in a pocket and some have buttons on them.  We also cut the button plackets off the shirts and made the border for the backing from those.  I am totally DONE cutting and sewing borders on…..PLEASE!!!  That is my least favorite part of quilting, although I used to really struggle with the measuring and all of that.  Now it isn’t a big deal….practice makes it easier!!  So the construction of this one is a little unusual!!  But the 5 of us actually work well together and while I did the sewing, the rest of them cut…so we are on  the home stretch.

WHoo Hoo.......glad you are in the home stretch. THere is a lot of work and love in that quilt. 

We can’t wait to see her and give her the quilt at (maybe) our Christmas dinner get-together.  We will all be bawling our eyes out!!!


Send me a picture when it is done.

Friendship is a priceless gift that can't be bought or sold, its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
May this FriendSHIP always have wind in its sails and a sunrise on the horizon.

10/31/2023 7:43 pm  #1586

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

LuvSeason18 wrote:

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

WHoo Hoo.......glad you are in the home stretch. THere is a lot of work and love in that quilt. 

We can’t wait to see her and give her the quilt at (maybe) our Christmas dinner get-together.  We will all be bawling our eyes out!!!


Send me a picture when it is done.

I will.  Maybe you can post it.  This is quite unique in how we are doing it.  I hope it all works out!!  Next job for me is to quilt the top.  Hoping it won’t take too long.

I absolutely love him, and he’s an incredible person. We have this friendship that I have no doubt in my mind is a life-long friendship.  Getting a chance to know him away from training for Dancing With the Stars, I think we've gotten a chance to know each other in a different way, which of course just makes you closer. Meryl
We fell in love, but our way. Maks


10/31/2023 7:44 pm  #1587

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!


Friendship is a priceless gift that can't be bought or sold, its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
May this FriendSHIP always have wind in its sails and a sunrise on the horizon.

10/31/2023 7:44 pm  #1588

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

LuvSeason18 wrote:


Welllll……was it an improvement, do you think?

I absolutely love him, and he’s an incredible person. We have this friendship that I have no doubt in my mind is a life-long friendship.  Getting a chance to know him away from training for Dancing With the Stars, I think we've gotten a chance to know each other in a different way, which of course just makes you closer. Meryl
We fell in love, but our way. Maks


10/31/2023 7:45 pm  #1589

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

LuvSeason18 wrote:

JetmamaDiDi wrote:

We can’t wait to see her and give her the quilt at (maybe) our Christmas dinner get-together.  We will all be bawling our eyes out!!!


Send me a picture when it is done.

I will.  Maybe you can post it.  This is quite unique in how we are doing it.  I hope it all works out!!  Next job for me is to quilt the top.  Hoping it won’t take too long.

Ohhhhhhhhhh..........would be honored to post it for you......that is if I  I never know what I can and can't do with technology. LOL!!!!!!

Friendship is a priceless gift that can't be bought or sold, its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
May this FriendSHIP always have wind in its sails and a sunrise on the horizon.

10/31/2023 7:45 pm  #1590

Re: Season 32 is back where it belongs...we can all be together again!

How many couples are left?  Maybe 8 or 9?

I absolutely love him, and he’s an incredible person. We have this friendship that I have no doubt in my mind is a life-long friendship.  Getting a chance to know him away from training for Dancing With the Stars, I think we've gotten a chance to know each other in a different way, which of course just makes you closer. Meryl
We fell in love, but our way. Maks


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