Stupid locked up on me..... BUT it seems to be working now after I shut it down and rebooted it.
JetmamaDiDi wrote:
Anyone else notice the barrage of sm posts by our "friends" today vs. the past several days (since the wedding on Sat.)? Realize we had a holiday weekend but no one posted anything (other than Z's b-day) about what they were doing or where they were? Hmmmmm......even on vacay they posted something every day!! Just thinkin'....
I have noticed that Jet......all in all a VERY good sign.
rumored list of Pro/Stars......we will see tomorrow. LOL
I had an e-conversation with a friend today. She and I live in different places but have bonded over watching DWTS over the years. She knows I like Maks and she likes Derek (and I don't!), but we both loved Gilles Marini. Anyway, I was telling her how some other friends of mine () and I think Maks & Meryl are still together. She made the comment that she hoped it didn't happen, because "it would be the worst thing that ever happened to Meryl." I didn't try to enlighten her, because I've tried for several years to get her to see that Maks wasn't really the way he seemed on the show. It just broke my heart to think that she's not alone in being one of the people who believe that Maks is what he seemed before on the show, not what we know him to be and what Meryl was able to bring out this season.
I agree that he won't give up easily on "this one." If things were not all right in Maksyl world, I think we would be able to see it on his face. Even when he doesn't have his Meryl smile, he stlil looks happy. Either they are moving forward (YES!) or there is still hope or we would know it from looking at him.