Mantra for the day.
So sorry to see weather threats and warnings affecting so much of the country today. And continuing overnight.
So sad. So dangerous. I pray that the warnings will keep people safe.
View, unobstructed wrote:
So sorry to see weather threats and warnings affecting so much of the country today. And continuing overnight.
So sad. So dangerous. I pray that the warnings will keep people safe.
Tennessee is any of this near you??? I hope you and your fam are safe in this if it is ((hugs))
View, unobstructed wrote:
.LOL!! what did he do????
View, unobstructed wrote:
Mark and BCJean still going strong... They don't have a ship name do they?
Hmmmmmm.......I don't think they do....we need to give them one .....hmmmm......BCB maybe????? .....for BC and Ballas?????
OK so I did things backward today...LOL.....I just realized I didn't say Hi yet it's been a busy few days.....we had so much fun making cookies yesterday and today she made counts again!! so she had her spinal tap and 2 kinds of chemo......she is doing well and looking forward to Christmas
the next two days will be really busy as I'm sure it is for you guys too (((hugs))) hope you are all enjoying this time with your families
I need to head out, I have alot to get done but wanted to leave this again....I love this version of this song
Evening Everyone...Had another computer glitch this morning so I was just able to get on...Apparently we think we have found the source of one of the problems...I have a touch screen monitor...the cat likes to get up on the desk and will sit and fall asleep and her nose will touch the screen, when she does it leaves little nose prints on the screen and over a couple days the monitor can't figure out where the points are being it goes crazy...LOL
Hope you are all doing well and I know you are all super busy...I am getting ready to go to Target with my daughter and I will hop on when I get home...